

Instruments Java classes with iContract DBC preprocessor.
The task can generate a properties file for iControl, a graphical user interface that lets you turn on/off assertions. iControl generates a control file that you can refer to from this task using the controlfile attribute.



Attribute Description Required
srcdir Location of the java files. Yes
instrumentdir Indicates where the instrumented source files should go. Yes
repositorydir Indicates where the repository source files should go. Yes
builddir Indicates where the compiled instrumented classes should go. Defaults to the value of instrumentdir.

NOTE: Don't use the same directory for compiled instrumented classes and uninstrumented classes. It will break the dependency checking. (Classes will not be reinstrumented if you change them).
repositorybuilddir Indicates where the compiled repository classes should go. Defaults to the value of repositorydir. No
pre Indicates whether or not to instrument for preconditions. Defaults to true unless controlfile is specified, in which case it defaults to false. No
post Indicates whether or not to instrument for postconditions. Defaults to true unless controlfile is specified, in which case it defaults to false. No
invariant Indicates whether or not to instrument for invariants. Defaults to true unless controlfile is specified, in which case it defaults to false. No
failthrowable The full name of the Throwable (Exception) that should be thrown when an assertion is violated. Defaults to java.lang.Error No
verbosity Indicates the verbosity level of iContract. Any combination of error*,warning*,note*,info*,progress*,debug* (comma separated) can be used. Defaults to error* No
quiet Indicates if iContract should be quiet. Turn it off if many your classes extend uninstrumented classes and you don't want warnings about this. Defaults to false No
updateicontrol If set to true, it indicates that the properties file for iControl in the current directory should be updated (or created if it doesn't exist). Defaults to false. No
controlfile The name of the control file to pass to iContract. Consider using iControl to generate the file. Default is not to pass a file. Only if updateicontrol=true
classdir Indicates where compiled (unistrumented) classes are located. This is required in order to properly update the icontrol.properties file, not for instrumentation. Only if updateicontrol=true
targets Name of the file that will be generated by this task, which lists all the classes that iContract will instrument. If specified, the file will not be deleted after execution. If not specified, a file will still be created, but it will be deleted after execution. No

Note: iContract will use the java compiler indicated by the project's build.compiler property. See documentation of the Javac task for more information. Nested includes and excludes are also supported.


Note: iContract will use the java compiler indicated by the project's build.compiler property. See documentation of the Javac task for more information.

Nested includes and excludes can be done very much the same way as any subclass of MatchingTask.


    <classpath refid="compile-classpath"/>

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